Jim McEvoy Photo

2 Responses to “Jim McEvoy Photo”

  1. Aaron Codispoti says:

    It is really sad to hear about Mr. McEvoy’s passing. Mr. McEvoy was an important part of my schooling at Alfred-Almond Central School and growing up in the community. He was a teacher, a coach and a respected friend. He will truly be missed.

  2. Moritz Hippe says:

    Sadly, I read about Mr. McEvoy’s death. It was 22 years ago that I was an exchange-student at AA and he was my coach in the track-team. He was toughest, but also the best coach that I ever had, and the countless runs up McEvoy Hill – rain or shine – I will never forget. It was then that I had the best physical shape ever, thanks to him.
    I pass my condolences to his family – I’ll remember him all my life. Rest in peace, Jimbo!

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